2024 / 25 programme

Type of post: Orchestra news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Tom Lewis
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 8 Oct 2024
The current plans for the 2024/25 season and maybe a bit beyond...

Queens theatre 8th March 2025

Mahler Totenfeier (1st movement of symphony no 2)
Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue
Beethoven 5th Symphony

Obviously this will require some big forces, so we need some idea of who can play quite soon. We will be in touch straight after the Tiverton concert when we have an idea of rehearsal dates. But keep the date free. Or maybe let us know if you definitely can't do the concert. We are hoping to do a rehearsal before Christmas which will be a playthrough to give us all an idea of where the tricky bits will be for you all to practice over the holidays. We are hoping then to get tutors in for a rehearsal in the new year to work on things like tighter ensemble playing.

Christmas concert 18th December  Barnstaple Pannier Market 

This date is pencilled in for a concert in the pannier market, with a rehearsal on the Sunday before.

Torrington parish church 21st June 2025

Borodin Prince Igor Overture
Florence Price Symphony No 1
A Mozart piano concerto

Rosemoor Gardens 18th October 2025

This will be a fun venue! We have hired the garden room, which has a surprisngly good acoustic. As an added bonus, audience members will get free entry to the gardens. We are currently planning to do the Ibert Flute Concerto with a Making Music Young Performer called Daniel Shao. Check him out - he's amazing. We are hoping to do some light opera in the second half with local singers.

Queens Theatre 14th March 2026

Currently planning on doing the Liszt piano concerto with a local pianist.